Friday, November 05, 2010

Firework display in Geat Longstone 0n 5th November 2010

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Friday, September 17, 2010

A view of Chirtpit Lane
A narrow part of Chirtpit Lane
Posted by PicasaDamage  done to wall along side Chirtpit Lane

Sunday, March 14, 2010

2010 March.
Tom Cox is improving the bounderies around the field just off Station Road.
Here he is planting a stock proof hedge of Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Field Maple and Roses.
On the other side of the field the dry stone wall is being rebuilt.
All the plants need to be staked and protected from rabbits and stock
Posted by PicasaThe first row is planted and a second row just started,
then a second post and wire fence needs to be erected
to give protection for a year or two from the stock.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Public Inquiry into the use of this lane by motor vehicles was held in Great Longstone School over 2 days 15th and 16th February 2010. We all await the Inspectors decision it will take some weeks before we know what that is.
26th February 2020 The Inspector has made his decision and confirmed the order to allow this lane to be used by all trafic.His decision might be legally right but there is no common sense in the decision.
This must be the fastest legal decision in history.Read the Link below.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sheep on the west side of Longstone Moor
The Day is cold and bright
Posted by PicasaThe Village of Great Longstone
Viewed from Longstone Edge
Lees Lane. Derbyshire County Council want to open
this lane up to motor vehicles, a public inquiry lasting 2 days
was held.
The discussion centres on does Lees lane offically joins Chirtpit lane.
Many maps and books were produced going back 400 years,
Now we have to wait for the Inspectors Decision
The Sheep will be disturbed if traffic is allowed on chirtpit lane
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Sunday, January 03, 2010

Great Longstone is covered in snow this morning

and the roads are very icy,we've had a very cold start

to the new year.

Church lane is covered with snow on ice and very slippy

I've left the village and roads and set out over the

snow covered fields on my morning walk.

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